Writing a client proxy

In this chapter, we are going to see how to make low-level D-Bus method calls. Then we are going to dive in, and derive from a trait to make a convenient Rust binding. Finally, we will learn about xmlgen, a tool to help us generate a boilerplate trait from the XML of an introspected service.

To make this learning “hands-on”, we are going to call and bind the cross-desktop notification service (please refer to this reference document for further details on this API).

Let’s start by playing with the service from the shell, and notify the desktop with busctl:

busctl --user call \
  org.freedesktop.Notifications \
  /org/freedesktop/Notifications \
  org.freedesktop.Notifications \
  Notify \
  susssasa\{sv\}i \
  "my-app" 0 "dialog-information" "A summary" "Some body" 0 0 5000

Note: busctl has very good auto-completion support in bash or zsh.

Running this command should pop-up a notification dialog on your desktop. If it does not, your desktop does not support the notification service, and this example will be less interactive. Nonetheless you can use a similar approach for other services.

This command shows us several aspects of the D-Bus communication:

  • --user: Connect to and use the user/session bus.

  • call: Send a method call message. (D-Bus also supports signals, error messages, and method replies)

  • destination: The name of the service (org.freedesktop.Notifications).

  • object path: Object/interface path (/org/freedesktop/Notifications).

  • interface: The interface name (methods are organized in interfaces, here org.freedesktop.Notifications, same name as the service).

  • method: The name of the method to call, Notify.

  • signature: That susssasa{sv}i means the method takes 8 arguments of various types. ‘s’, for example, is for a string. ‘as’ is for array of strings.

  • The method arguments.

See busctl man page for more details.

Low-level call from a zbus::Connection

zbus Connection has a call_method() method, which you can use directly:

use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::error::Error;

use zbus::Connection;
use zvariant::Value;

fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> {
    let connection = Connection::new_session()?;

    let m = connection.call_method(
        &("my-app", 0u32, "dialog-information", "A summary", "Some body",
          vec![""; 0], HashMap::<&str, &Value>::new(), 5000),
    let reply: u32 = m.body().unwrap();

Although this is already quite flexible, and handles various details for you (such as the message signature), it is also somewhat inconvenient and error-prone: you can easily miss arguments, or give arguments with the wrong type or other kind of errors (what would happen if you typed 0, instead of 0u32?).

Instead, we want to wrap this Notify D-Bus method in a Rust function. Let’s see how next.

Trait-derived proxy call

A trait declaration T with a dbus_proxy attribute will have a derived TProxy implemented thanks to procedural macros. The trait methods will have respective impl methods wrapping the D-Bus calls:

use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::error::Error;

use zbus::dbus_proxy;
use zvariant::Value;

trait Notifications {
    /// Call the org.freedesktop.Notifications.Notify D-Bus method
    fn notify(&self,
              app_name: &str,
              replaces_id: u32,
              app_icon: &str,
              summary: &str,
              body: &str,
              actions: &[&str],
              hints: HashMap<&str, &Value>,
              expire_timeout: i32) -> zbus::Result<u32>;

fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> {
    let connection = zbus::Connection::new_session()?;

    let proxy = NotificationsProxy::new(&connection)?;
    let reply = proxy.notify("my-app", 0, "dialog-information", "A summary", "Some body",
                             &[], HashMap::new(), 5000)?;


A TProxy has a few associated methods, such as new(connection), using the default associated service name and object path, and new_for(connection, service_name, object_path) if you need to specify something different.

This should help to avoid the kind of mistakes we saw earlier. It’s also a bit easier to use, thanks to Rust type inference. This makes it also possible to have higher-level types, they fit more naturally with the rest of the code. You can further document the D-Bus API or provide additional helpers.


Interfaces can have associated properties, which can be read or set with the org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties interface. Here again, the #[dbus_proxy] attribute comes to the rescue to help you. You can annotate a trait method to be a getter:

fn main() {
use zbus::dbus_proxy;

trait MyInterface {
    fn state(&self) -> zbus::Result<String>;

The state() method will translate to a "State" property Get call.

To set the property, prefix the name of the property with set_.

For a more real world example, let’s try and read two properties from systemd’s main service:

use std::error::Error;
use zbus::dbus_proxy;

    interface = "org.freedesktop.systemd1.Manager",
    default_service = "org.freedesktop.systemd1",
    default_path = "/org/freedesktop/systemd1"
trait SystemdManager {
    fn architecture(&self) -> zbus::Result<String>;
    fn environment(&self) -> zbus::Result<Vec<String>>;

fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> {
    let connection = zbus::Connection::new_session()?;

    let proxy = SystemdManagerProxy::new(&connection)?;
    println!("Host architecture: {}", proxy.architecture()?);
    for env in proxy.environment()? {
        println!("  {}", env);


You should get an output similar to this:

Host architecture: x86-64
Environment variables:

Generating the trait from an XML interface

zbus git repository contains a developer-friendly tool, that can generate Rust traits from a given D-Bus introspection XML for you.

Note: This tool should not be considered a drop-in Rust-specific replacement for similar tools available for low-level languages, such as gdbus-codegen. Unlike those tools, this is only meant as a starting point to generate the code, once. In many cases, you will want to tweak the generated code.

Let’s first fetch the XML interface of the notification service:

busctl --user --xml-interface introspect \
  org.freedesktop.Notifications \

You should get a similar output:

<!DOCTYPE node PUBLIC "-//freedesktop//DTD D-BUS Object Introspection 1.0//EN"
  <!-- other interfaces omitted -->
  <interface name="org.freedesktop.Notifications">
    <method name="Notify">
      <arg type="s" name="arg_0" direction="in">
      <arg type="u" name="arg_1" direction="in">
      <arg type="s" name="arg_2" direction="in">
      <arg type="s" name="arg_3" direction="in">
      <arg type="s" name="arg_4" direction="in">
      <arg type="as" name="arg_5" direction="in">
      <arg type="a{sv}" name="arg_6" direction="in">
      <arg type="i" name="arg_7" direction="in">
      <arg type="u" name="arg_8" direction="out">
    <method name="CloseNotification">
      <arg type="u" name="arg_0" direction="in">
    <method name="GetCapabilities">
      <arg type="as" name="arg_0" direction="out">
    <method name="GetServerInformation">
      <arg type="s" name="arg_0" direction="out">
      <arg type="s" name="arg_1" direction="out">
      <arg type="s" name="arg_2" direction="out">
      <arg type="s" name="arg_3" direction="out">
    <signal name="NotificationClosed">
      <arg type="u" name="arg_0">
      <arg type="u" name="arg_1">
    <signal name="ActionInvoked">
      <arg type="u" name="arg_0">
      <arg type="s" name="arg_1">

Save the output to a notify.xml file. Then call:

zbus-xmlgen notify.xml

This will give back effortlessly the corresponding Rust traits boilerplate code:

fn main() {
use zbus::dbus_proxy;

#[dbus_proxy(interface = "org.freedesktop.Notifications")]
trait Notifications {
    /// CloseNotification method
    fn close_notification(&self, arg_0: u32) -> zbus::Result<()>;

    /// GetCapabilities method
    fn get_capabilities(&self) -> zbus::Result<Vec<String>>;

    /// GetServerInformation method
    fn get_server_information(&self) -> zbus::Result<(String, String, String, String)>;

    /// Notify method
    fn notify(
        arg_0: &str,
        arg_1: u32,
        arg_2: &str,
        arg_3: &str,
        arg_4: &str,
        arg_5: &[&str],
        arg_6: std::collections::HashMap<&str, zvariant::Value>,
        arg_7: i32,
    ) -> zbus::Result<u32>;

It should be usable as such. But you may as well improve a bit the naming of the arguments, use better types (using BitFlags, structs or other custom types), add extra documentation, and other functions to make the binding more pleasing to use from Rust.

For example, the generated GetServerInformation method can be improved to a nicer version:

fn main() {
use serde::{Serialize, Deserialize};
use zvariant_derive::Type;
use zbus::dbus_proxy;

#[derive(Debug, Type, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct ServerInformation {
    /// The product name of the server.
    pub name: String,

    /// The vendor name. For example, "KDE," "GNOME," "freedesktop.org," or "Microsoft".
    pub vendor: String,

    /// The server's version number.
    pub version: String,

    /// The specification version the server is compliant with.
    pub spec_version: String,

trait Notifications {
    /// Get server information.
    /// This message returns the information on the server.
    fn get_server_information(&self) -> zbus::Result<ServerInformation>;

You can learn more from the zbus-ify binding of PolicyKit, for example, which was implemented starting from the xmlgen output.

TODO: add support for signal handlers.

There you have it, a Rust-friendly binding for your D-Bus service!